#0.4 From The Archive
Still going with raiding the old Tomb archives. Links to great game stuff from days gone by.

16th November 2023
I’ve only had a go on one so far but for those so inclined, there’s a Shmup Bundle on itch with some nice looking stuff in it. There’s about a week left to run and it’s $12.99 for 10 games. (Itch)
The Impossible Race is a recreation of Mattel’s (lovely chonky piece of hardware) game, Auto Race, from 1976. (Itch)
Still on a remake tip, River Raid remade. Nearly a tongue twister there. Man, I love River Raid and I’ve been idling my time with it a fair bit lately so I’m up for remakes right now. (Itch)
Egg (Itch)
Choo Choo Toy, a train themed toy the developer made for their young kid. The train follows the track, you can stop and start the train. Choochoo! (Itch)
Forget 8 bit, Tuerkas The White Cat is 8 fish. For the Speccy so crack out the emulators. (Itch)
Watching Chinny taking a look at Arctic’s World Cup and remembering some very enjoyable Thursday nights and playing it with a friend no longer with us. Never did care about a game’s reputation, never will. (YouTube)
Guns ‘n’ Ghosts ‘humbly asks the question “what if Pacman had a f*ing gun?”‘. Every videogame can be improved by adding guns – fact. (Itch)
A small poem about autumn. Autumn is the best season and I love that Bitsy enables stuff like this. Fall. (Itch)
So You’re A Squirrel is a short, sweet, twine about being a squirrel. Lovely kids book kind of stuff and it’ll only take up a moment. (Itch)
Cor. The Shadow King is a beautiful “bite-size” metroidvania. It’s out on Steam soon. (Steam)
Rogue Invaders applies some of those recent roguelike videogame dev obsessions folk have to a cute (and nice) looking gallery shooter, Space Invaders style. A work in progress at the time of writing. (Itch)
One that’s already been doing the rounds but in case you missed it, a nice remake of Bagman for the Amiga in the shape of SuperBagman500. (Itch)
Bit outside my wheelhouse this one, Kelaynak84 is a wireframe flight simulator and trading game. It looks gorgeous but I’m not a great judge of sim stuff so it’s over to you. Yes, you. (Itch)
Pixel Descent is kinda Gauntlet via Vampire Survivors. Definitely the kind of homage where you can’t avoid wearing your influences on your sleeve so you might as well lean into it. Early Access at the mo, if that makes a difference to you. (Steam)
In “gosh, how time flies” corner, hard to believe it’s coming up to 20 years since the first of Park Productions’ Robocop 2d Games. To celebrate they’ve given all three a coat of paint. Always nice to see some old remakes and fan games still floating around. (Website)
23rd November 2023
The 24th is Itch.io’s “creator’s day” where they don’t take a cut of any sales, a good day to buy some videogames if you’ve got some cash hanging around. (Itch)
Knuckle Sandwich is finally out. A very indie RPG with a wild style and confidence. It’s been on my watchlist for so long now, glad to see it make it to the finishing line. (Itch)
Samantha In The Haunted Mansion. Bitsy doing what it does best and enabling someone to bring a kid’s story to life. (Itch)
Mentioned in #7, micro metroidvania The Shadow King is out now too. Looking forward to getting a moment to give it a play. (Steam)
A familiar old hand, here’s MikeDX doing Pitfall, on Scramble hardware. (Mastodon)
Viper Survivors brings the recent fad for “you are the bullet hell” genre to Snake. I never tire of just how much folk can wring out of the standards still. Anyway, you’ve heard of Tickle On The Tum, this is Turrets On The Tail — Ralph McTell not included. (Itch)
Eyesteroid, in case you’re like me and just find the idea of “haunted Atari”‘ funny. (Itch)
I adore Qix so always pleased to see someone take a punt at it. These days the genre might be more famous for revealing revealing pictures but Trappy Pixel sticks to the original arcadey script. (Itch)
A new Space Captain McCallery game! That’s me sorted. I adore these. (Itch)
Doctor Cat. It’s Doctor Who, but you’re a cat. Much better than The Mines Of Terror, this. (Itch)
As it’s a week where I’m really excited to get some new Who to watch, let me also remind you of Sokurah’s lovely Doctor Who adventure game from a few years back now. It’s that game people have said should be made for years now, made. Years ago. (Website)
Scramble Slug. It’s Scramble and Metal Slug – at the same time. (Itch)
I’ve been enjoying watching space sim Alliance Peacefighter come together over time, join me in keeping a beady eye on its progress. (Mastodon)
Good to see Alien Death Mob make its way to the switch. It’s a brilliant blast of blasting fun. Blast. Blasty. Blastering. (Deku)
Indieretronews report on a lovely rejigged conversion of Kung Fu Master to the GX4000. Looks really at home on one now, good work. (Website)