#0.6 From The Archives
The vault reveals more of its treasures.

14th December 2023
Alone? – spend some time as a duck in this week’s moody Bitsy. A little bit silly, a little bit melancholy. (Itch)
Mothman Test. A short and sinister Twine experience. (Itch)
A remake of Clive Townsend’s Saboteur – a game I always found fulfilled a very specific VHS ninja film fantasy and revisiting it recently only strengthened that belief. (Itch)
Mr Robot remade. I’ll admit I’ve never played the original so I’m going to pencil in some time over the weekend to do just that. (Itch)
Wizardium is a top down shooter, think The Devil Rides In where you have to stay within the bounds of the circle whilst enemies come to cause a ruckus. (Itch)
Omega Space takes the premise of Omega Race and ruffles its hair up into something else. (Itch)
Elevate! Get dodging and clue wodging (I don’t care if that doesn’t work, it’s nearly Xmas, give me a break) with a remake of Spy’s Demise. (Itch)
Who Dares Wins II. Alligata’s Commando-esque (and one of many riding the action hero film boom) game gets a PC rework. Well, technically it got a remake a few years back, I wasn’t doing this digest then though. (Itch)
Tweak some numbers and get dodging with the neon-glow of System Shield. (Itch)
Another remake! Head 8n does a really nice job of softening the game up somewhat without losing the essence of what the game is. A gentler dot munch than the arcade original. (Itch)
Vector Access. I dunno, perhaps it’s my age but there’s something so right about green screen vector art. (Itch)
Joust Revival for all your flappy skewering entertainment needs. (Itch)
They keep on coming this week! Wizard Of Wor and somebody had a lot of fun with this one. (Itch)
Curse yourself up with Noraline. Some twin stick action where every five levels sees you have to choose a curse to wrestle with. (Itch)
Big And Little, a post apocalyptic cat tale. (Itch)
A familiar style to Tanktronix Invasion and there’s nothing wrong with that. Browser based twin stickery. (Itch)
Orkan. Imagine if Tempest took place within a colourful hypnocircle. Now stop imagining it and play it. (Itch)
More “stay within the circle and don’t die” stuff. Omega Llama in Bullet Surfing is a dodge ’em up that gets bonus points for the llama theme. Incidentally, last night I sat through Christmas On The Alpaca Farm and I don’t recommend you do that. (Itch)
Big Vectrex vibes from Space Infiltrator so two thumbs up right there. (Itch)
Reverseggle. “Peggle but you play as the peg board”. Videogames once more leaving no stone unturned in the “why not” department and I am always here for that. (Itch)
Unbeatable game name of the week award going straight to “I Cute So I Can Be Big Jerk“. And yes, obviously with a name like that it can only be a cat simulator. (Itch)
February 1st 2024
How much doug can a dig dug dig if a dig dug could dig doug? It’s inflation time with Dig Dug, but for the C64. (Itch)
If you prefer your Dig Dug for the C64 with a bit of randomisation, Dig Dug Revival is the above but with procedurally generated screens. Nice. (Itch)
Because I never know when to stop digging a hole, here’s a Pico-8 rendition of the semi-obscure 1982 arcade game The Pit. (Itch)
Smashtronaut is a little bit Hyper Meteor, with a nice bit of neo-arcade neon to help it along the way. Big fan of games that pretty much just ask you to smash into things. (Itch)
Super Bosconian is a remake/rework of the base battling arcade shooter for Windows. (Itch)
Grass Roots Football Manager is a work in progress 8 bit style management game, the floating head of Kevin Toms not included. (Itch)
Someone reimagined Cuphead as an LCD handheld game. I love videogames. (Itch)
A nearly complete Blue Max remake, transposing the pixelly isometric look into 3D. Open source, for your pleasure. (Itch)
Still going with the remakes (I’m still me), Missile Something is, unsurprisingly, a remake of Missile Command. True story: I am the worst at Missile Command, I’m like the anti-Tony Temple. (Itch) (Tony)
You really don’t want to know how many hours I’ve spent on Cavelon over the years but it’s a lot. Here’s a Gameboy Colour/3DS version of the chonky maze classic. (Itch)
Some really great looking olde-style gallery shooting arcade hijinks in the shape of DemonStrike. (Itch)
Haven’t had chance to try any of these yet, bunch of Godot-made remakes of some of my favourite games. Including Robotron! (Itch)
You all know about Indiepocalypse, yeah? You do now. (Itch)
This week’s Bitsy is Moon Harvest. (Itch)