About Rob’s Spooky Tomb Of Videogames

The secrets that we keep (there are no secrets)

About Rob’s Spooky Tomb Of Videogames

Welcome to The Tomb

Join The Gamekeeper as once a month, they rise from their grave to dig up a selection of videogames and videogame related links for the more discerning reader to play and enjoy.

With a particular focus on smaller works and remakes, The Gamekeeper hopes that everyone can find something to play, watch or read each month.

Do you want to know more?

Rob’s Spooky Tomb Of Videogames is ran by me, Rob. It’s a monthly short dispatch of videogame links and recommendations, specifically (but not entirely) covering smaller indie games, retro, remakes (especially retro remakes where I can) and other interesting things, alongside irregular commentary on what’s happening in videogames and sometimes a bit more.

I’ve been writing about small games for over twenty years now (Argh! I’m so old!) and the news and culture of games for around fifteen. I’ve written for Gamasutra (now Game Developer), Eurogamer, Polygon and a whole bunch of sites that depressingly don’t exist anymore.

Because the games I talk about and the culture around them are often way, way outside of what usual videogame sites can afford to write about, it‘s largely very difficult to do this stuff on the regular so subscriptions - whether that’s signing up for the free tier to get the latest issue straight to your inbox or being a paid supporter - helps ensure I can keep on doing this.

As it’s early days in the site’s life, aside from subscribing, the best thing anyone could do for the place is to tell as many people as possible. Getting the word out about anything is difficult in 2025, word of mouth is essential for small sites like this to continue

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